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Perks offered for blood, plasma donors who are needed more than ever in San Antonio

The pandemic continues to put a strain on the supply – which is often almost out – according to the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center.

SAN ANTONIO — If you've ever considered donating blood – now is the time.

The South Texas Blood & Tissue Center has reported it's been low on donations on a daily basis since the pandemic began.

Another obstacle the organization has been dealing with is people make appointments and then end up not showing up.

Aside from blood donors, they are looking for anyone who has recovered from COVID-19 to donate convalescent plasma, which can be used to help others recover because it contains antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19. It's believed to provide passive immunity to certain patients with severe forms of the illness.

All qualifying convalescent plasma donors are getting a $60 Visa gift card. The process to donate takes about an hour for convalescent plasma.

If you have any questions about donations, you're encouraged to email the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center at COVID19@southtexasblood.org and you will get a response within 24 to 48 hours. Another option is to call (210) 731-2719 between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Donations are by appointment only and no walk-ins are allowed.

All blood donations are needed, but especially people with Type O blood are in demand.

The South Texas Blood & Tissue center wants to remind people that donors who receive one of the COVID-19 vaccines currently available in our community will not impact them to give blood. For the two vaccines available now – the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine – there is no waiting period afterwards for donating blood, if you are feeling well and healthy.

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