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Community rallies behind family after man killed by distracted driver while changing a tire

"We're just trying to raise money to give him the beautiful service that he deserves, for being such a beautiful person," said Laura, Ray Saucedo's sister.

SAN ANTONIO — The community is coming together to help the family of Ramon "Ray" Saucedo, who was hit and killed by a distracted driver while changing his niece's tire on the side of the highway.

The family is expressing gratitude for all the support they have received.

"There's so many kind people our there, and yesterday was just proof of it. People were coming, we cried, we laughed, with people we never met," said Laura Saucedo, Ray's sister.

The family says they are overwhelmed by the community coming together to show them love and support. The family held BBQ fundraisers over the weekend, raising thousands of dollars, which will be used for his burial.

On January 6, 2024, Saucedo was changing a tire off 410 near Alamo Downs Parkway when he was hit by the driver. Investigators said the driver claimed he dropped something on the floor of his car and was reaching for it when he struck Saucedo.

"He's going to be very missed.  I mean, it's been really hard for us, we're taking it one day at a time." Said Laura Saucedo.

Ray's sister Laura, says he was always willing to help, she describes him as a happy person, always joking and smiling.

"He was loving.  He was a great uncle, a great brother, and a great son," said Laura Saucedo.

In addition to the money raised from the BBQ fundraisers, other donations have come in, including a San Antonio Archbishop who offered to donate a burial plot for Saucedo.

"We really appreciate that from the bottom of our heart," said Laura Saucedo.

As the family reflects on all of the support they have received, they want to remember for Ray for the hero that he was.

"He left us being a hero, helping my daughter fix a flat, doing what he would do all the time. Helping somebody, and he's my hero.  I'm sure he's all my family's hero," said Laura Saucedo.

If you would like to donate to the family you can they do have a GoFundMe, you can click here to donate.

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