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Woman rushes to help homeless man stabbed at downtown-area encampment

San Antonio police are still searching for whoever is responsible for the violence.

SAN ANTONIO — A 21-year-old experiencing homelessness is recovering in the hospital after he was stabbed while protecting his sister from someone police say was known for bringing food to the community. 

Lisa Moore, who has been homeless for two years, was relaxing with her dog at an encampment off Austin Street under Interstate 35 just before 11 p.m. Wednesday when she noticed an individual driving up in a white KIA Soul. 

Moore went on to watch as an argument unfolded between 21-year-old EJ and the visitor. At some point, police said, the man assaulted EJ’s sister. That’s when EJ stepped in and intervened.

“He was protecting his sister and it escalated, it got worse,” Moore said. 

Moore said everything happened so quickly. 

“Then they started dancing around out here and before you knew it he was stabbed,” Moore said.

Moore said the stabbing suspect then zoomed off in the KIA Soul, which had broken-out windows. While fellow community members at the encampment called 911, Moore wasted no time rushing to EJ’s aid. 

“I checked him. You could see the puncture hole. I put towels and stuff on him and applied pressure, a lot of pressure, until the ambulance got here," she said. "That’s all I could do."

Moore is grateful EJ is alive as he undergoes surgery for his injuries. She now hopes the San Antonio public at large can sympathize with those without a place to call home. 

“They may be lost, but they’ll find their way. They always do,” Moore said.

Police have not made any arrests as of Thursday afternoon.

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